Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Simply keep quiet,
let things happen in front of you,
and enjoy this universe which is offered to you.

Don't make any effort and don't even think
and you will know who you are!
Don't think of the past or the future
and within this you will find
what you never have found before.

But few people do this and instead waste their lives
in practice which only expands their ego
as they boast of all the ways that they please the Divine.

So simply Be quiet, make no effort
and you will know who you are!

- Papaji

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

In discovering that you have no real control
over your choices, your heart will be set free.

However, if you believe that you have even one
single choice in life, that's enough to keep you
fully trapped and into taking the Game very

There's an old song that says, "Freedom's just
another word for nothing left to lose."

In truth, though, freedom's just another word
for nothing left to CHOOSE.

- Chuck Hillig

Monday, June 08, 2009

To meditate you don't have to have any
objective, which means you don't have
any expectation at all. In these moments
you don't find Reality, the Reality finds
you. Just sit quietly for a moment.

- Ramesh S. Balsekar

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Self-enquiry is the direct path to Self-realization
or enlightenment. The only way to make the mind
cease its outward activities is to turn it inward. By
steady and continuous investigation into the nature
of the mind, the mind itself gets transformed into
That to which it owes its own existence.

- Ramesh S. Balsekar

Monday, April 13, 2009

The mind is led to perfect quiescence in the Heart through the Quest of the Real Self-- in the form of (the question) "Who am I?"--when the world-appearance ceases. That Being, which then shines as "I AM," is the Real Self.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Renunciation is always in the mind, not in
going to forests or solitary places, or
giving up one's duties. The main thing is to
see that the mind does not turn outward but
inward. It does not really rest with a man
whether he goes to this place or that or
whether he gives up his duties or not. All
these events happen according to destiny.
All the activities that the body is to go
through are determined when it first comes
into existence. It does not rest with you to
accept or reject them. The only freedom you
have is to turn your mind inward and renounce
activities there.

- Sri Ramana Maharshi

I Hear The Silence